Community Investment Impact

Welcome to the future of workforce development insight!

WC is thrilled to present our latest innovation – the Community Investment Impact Dashboard. This dynamic tool is designed to empower stakeholders, businesses, and community members with information on the profound effects of workforce development investment.


Explore a wealth of data that showcase the tangible outcomes stemming from our collective efforts to nurture skills, careers, and economic growth. From job placements to Return on Investment, the Community Investment Impact Dashboard paints a vivid picture of how strategic investments shape the trajectory of our community’s prosperity.


Gain valuable insights, track trends, and witness firsthand the positive ripple effects as we bridge the gap between workforce potential and economic advancement. Whether you’re a business leader seeking skilled talent, a policymaker evaluating the efficacy of programs, or a community member invested in our region’s progress, the Community Impact Dashboard is your gateway to understanding, connecting, and fostering development.

Click the button below to see for yourself