Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Documents
This platform is designed to support the One-Stop Delivery System (OSDS) and the network of Educational and Training Institutions across the Southern Nevada Workforce Development Area. With links to established Federal, State, and Local requirements it is our intent to keep you informed and connected to the network of workforce development system partners in support of the delivery of successful job-driven training that results in the attainment of industry-recognized credentials and employment for job seekers and low-income individuals.
- In-Demand List
- TAG 01-2020: Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) – Workforce Connections (WC) Document Uploading Process & Requirements
- TAG 02-2020 ETP Program-Service Cost Details.pdf
- TAG 03-2020- ETP Reporting Requirements for Changes of Key Operational and Business Process
- TAG 04-2021 Policy Revisions and Updates GEN-050-06 Eligible Training Providers (ETP)
- TAG 05-2021 Initial Application-Process and Established Requirements
- TAG 06-2022-Data Collection and Reporting Requirements for ETPs