Job Seekers

General Information

Workforce Connections is here to serve you and provide you with the tools and resources needed for advancing your career – whether you are first time job-seeker looking for entry level employment, have been dislocated from your former career and are trying to re-enter the workforce, or if you are underemployed and wishing to move up the career ladder.

Through our One-Stop Career Center and One-Stop Delivery System partners, we can provide access to computers for job searching, career counseling, assistance with writing a resume or learning how to interview for a job, intensive case management, supportive services for employment or training related activities, funding to complete employer-recognized training and certification programs, and much more!

In order to be eligible for our services, you must:

To view Job Seeker One-Sheet click here

To go to the One-Stop Career Center website click here

To view job postings currently open at Workforce Connections click here

Ready to find your next job or explore a new career?

Visit One-Stop Career Center and find resources that will help you land on your dream job or develop a new career path

Inside WC

Workforce Connections is Southern Nevada’s Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB)

System Partners

We partner with WIOA Service Providers, Training Providers and other Community Partners

LEOs & Board

We are governed by our Consortium of Local Elected Officials (LEOs) and Board Members